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No oil scissor lifts from Zoomlion

Chinese manufacturer Zoomlion has announced two new ‘100% Electric, Zero Leaks’ slab electric scissor lifts.

The new models are the 14ft ZS0407E and 19ft ZS0607E, both of which feature direct electric wheel motor drive, while using electric linear actuators to operate the steering and platform lift. Both units have an overall width of 760mm, the overall length of the 14ft is just 1.44 metres - putting it in the micro scissor class - while the 19ft is a classic 1.85 metres long. Sadly, both have overall stowed heights with guardrails up of over two metres - 2.05 metres for the 14ft and 2.2 metres on the 19ft - but they apparently fold down relatively easily to 1.7 and 1.79 metres respectively.
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The new ZS0407E

The 14ft ZS0407E has a 600mm roll out platform extension, while the 19 has a more typical 910mm extension. Platform capacity is 240kg and 230kg respectively. An outdoor rating is provided on both models, but with reduced platform heights of 12ft and 14.5ft providing outdoor working heights of 5.6 and 6.4 metres. Greadability is 30 percent compared to 25 percent on the hydraulic versions.

Features include IP67 rated drive motors, a brushless maintenance free DC lift motor, a real time lift height display - said to be accurate to within three percent - a load indicator with a live display of the actual load on the platform to within five percent accuracy.
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The new 19ft ZS0607E All Electric

Access R&D manager Yi Zhong said: "Featuring electric cylinders for zero leaks and emission free working conditions, the two models are purpose-built for construction sites with stringent environmental standards such as dust free workshop, data centres and libraries. Besides, their compact size can easily navigate into narrow spaces, better for indoor maintenance."

"The spirit of ‘π’, with the meaning of continuous innovation and excellent manufacturing, is the brand-new R&D concept Zoomlion pursues. We have seen rapid adoption of eco-friendly work platforms at jobsites particularly in American & European markets, that's why we developed full electric scissors lifts to deliver quiet, clean and safe working conditions with long lasting performance."

Vertikal Comment

These two new models look great on paper, and boast a very high specification, while offering minimal maintenance, long run times between recharges, quieter operation and a cleaner machine without the need for absorbent pads or drip trays. The 'no oil' concept appears to be gaining traction, at least on smaller platforms, but the speed of adoption will depend on the purchase cost and the durability /reliability of the linear actuators.
