
Double fatality

Two men died last week when the truck mounted lift they were working from overturned in Malaysia.

The incident on Thursday morning, involved three Indonesian men who working from the platform of a truck mounted lift, painting the external walls of an apartment building in Putrajaya on the south side of Kuala Lumpur.

They were apparently working on the seventh floor at the time, with the lift’s boom fully extended and at a long reach over the front when it suddenly overturned. The three fell onto an area of hard standing and were clearly badly hurt. The emergency services worked hard for some time to resuscitate the men, but two of them died, while the other is seriously injured!

A police statement said: “Preliminary investigations found that the hydraulic jack of the crane failed, causing the crane to lose balance and then overturn.” Another report said that the jack had sunk into the ground, but photographs from the scene do not bear that out.

It looks like a structural failure almost certainly due to an overload situation - given that there were three men in the platform with a considerablr volume of paint and the lift was working a very long reach.

Sukawan Wilkhan, 54, was declared dead at the scene, while Danianto Yusak, 53, died on the way to the hospital. The third man, 56 remains in critical condition in hospital.
