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Launch at Alimak Hek

As we reported yesterday Alimak-Hek launched its all new modular mast climber ranges yesterday at the Van der Valk Hotel in Vught, near Eindhoven.
(See Hek launches Modular system)
Over 130 delegates from more than 30 different countries arrived on Tuesday night in preparation for yesterdays presentations.
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Tuesday night

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Ernst Van Hek kicks off the presentations

The meeting was opened by Ernst van Hek with Peter Verhelst, business development manager detailing how the company had been listening carefully to market demands over the past few years and then incorporated those, often conflicting requirements into a totally new product line.
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over 130 delegates attended

Thijs van Woensel explained the range of possibilities offered by the company’s Modular system including a review of the detailed specifications of the new M 450 series and the Twin 650 series to come in mid 2008.

After the product presentations Hek handed the meeting over to Romina Vanzi of IPAF Spain to discuss safety and training. She discussed the new Mast Climbing Work Platform training course now being offered in several languages.
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Disscussions continued at lunch

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The afternoon was reserved for a visit to the Hek manufacturing facility in Middelbeers which included an elaborate light show and demonstration in a new demonstration hall where the majority of the different configurations offered by the new Modular range.
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An impressive light show introduces the product

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With music... "simply the best" of course

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" better than all the rest"

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All machines on display were demonstrated

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The Alimak-Hek demo team

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More music of a different note

Finally the delegates headed off for an evening party at a tavern in the middle of the woods near Middelbeers. Many of the visitors, particularly those from further afield, stayed on for Thursday and Friday, when further seminars and demonstrations along with visits to a local mast climbing rental company in Waalwijk plus visits to several Dutch project sites are planned.
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Off to a tavern in the woods

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Romina Vanzi of IPAF and a freind

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Braving the October temperatures

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"This is how it is done"

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Looks like Tony Nobbs from Dubai with Earnst Van Hek

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What a relief Boukje Cranendonk of Hek

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HEK's Eric Maas, one of the engineers of the new productline with Joanna Verbvoort-marketing

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Ans van Genechten with son Rik

Alimak Hek say that as of this morning it has booked firm orders for over 100 units in different configuration already with a further 250 outstanding quotations.

Deliveries of the new Modular product will start later this month, with the first shipments destined for Japan, the USA, Denmark and Dubai.

For those of you who did not manage to attend the event, the full line exhibit will remain on show in the demonstration hall until mid 2008 with all units fully operational.
