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Pop-up in Paris

Pop-Up Products launched its hugely successful Pop-Up push around scissor lift range in France this week. The company has appointed the French arm of British based Independent Parts and Service – IPS - as its distributor.
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Pop Up launch in France

The concept appeared to be creating a large amount of interest with both end users and some of Frances largest rental companies. Both the original Pop-Up and the new Pop-Up Plus were on display.
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The units created a good deal of interest

Pop-Up also confirmed that it is planning to launch the product in North America at the 2008 Rental show in Las Vegas in February. The company is currently ensuring that the units comply fully with ANSI and other US standards.

Further distributor appointments will shortly be confirmed including the Norwegian based Malthus for Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Baltic states.

Since its introduction in less than two years ago over 2,500 Pop-Ups have been sold, this is expected to grow to 3,000 by January.

The latest units include a large number of small refinements, including larger castors, a hard wired control cable to the platform, Kick protection on the lower emergency stop and on the upper controls connection point, enclosure of the power pack, relocation of the controller carrier and the relocation of the on/off key to the upper controls.
