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HSE to conduct 1,000 spot checks

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive has announced today that it plans to conduct 1,000 unannounced spot checks of sites where refurbishment work is being carried out in order to tackle poor standards.

It says that last year over half of those who died on construction sites worked in refurbishment and that the number of deaths on refurbishment sites rose by 61 percent.

A key focus of the inspections will be methods of working at height, which last year killed 23 construction workers, as well as good site order. Contractors can expect strong enforcement action, during a similar initiative carried out last summer, enforcement notices were issued at over 30 percent of the sites visited.

Speaking after attending a number of site visits in Manchester today, HSE’s chief inspector of construction Stephen Williams said: “It is totally unacceptable that so many lives have been lost and continue to be put at risk on construction sites, particularly within the refurbishment sector.”

“We will continue to take firm action against rogue elements who ignore safety precautions. Sites where health and safety is taken seriously have nothing to fear, but we will root out those that put lives at risk”.

During the inspection initiative, HSE inspectors will be looking at whether:

- Jobs that involve working at height have been identified and properly planned to ensure that appropriate precautions are in place

- Equipment is correctly installed / assembled, inspected and maintained and used properly

- Sites are well organised, to avoid trips and falls

- Walkways and stairs are free from obstructions

- Work areas are clear of unnecessary materials and waste

- The work force is made aware of risk control measures

More information is available at
