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Mateco moves into Bulgaria

Mateco Hellas E.P.E has purchased two new X105DL18-4WD 10.5 metre platform height Holland Lift heavy duty 4x4 diesel scissor lifts along with a number of fully reconditioned machines for its operations in Athens, Thessaloniki and Crete.
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One of the new Holland-Lifts for the Mateco Hellas fleet

The company has also recently opened a location in Sofia, Bulgaria which it has stocked up with machines from Greece including some of the Holland-Lift rebuilds.
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Refurbished Holland-Lifts and other aerial lifts destined for Sofia

Mateco not only buys Holland lifts for its rental fleet, since 2006 the company has also been the distributor for Holland Lift products in Greece.
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Antonios Tsalopoulos (L) director of Mateco Hellas with Menno Koel of Holland Lift
