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Nuclear plant worker crushed by crane

A Sellafield worker is still being treated in hospital for injuries he received at the nuclear plant more than a week ago. The accident victim was squashed against metal handrail in the receipt and storage facility.

The man, who has not been named but comes from Millom, was working in the Thorp receipt and storage facility – which houses fuel transport flasks prior to reprocessing – when he was squashed against a metal handrail as a crane carrying one of the huge flasks swung around.

The man, who works as a plant operator in Thorp, was taken to the West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven following the accident last Thursday. He is still being treated for his injuries.

An investigation is being carried out into the accident happened.

A spokeswoman for Sellafield Ltd said: “Sellafield emergency services were immediately called; initially the individual was taken to the site surgery and then transferred to the West Cumberland Hospital.

She added the Health and Safety Executive had been informed of the incident and would be carrying out an investigation, as well as Sellafield Ltd conducting it’s own inquiry.

The accident was classed as a conventional accident and not a radiological incident.
