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Crane drops boom

A crawler crane being erected at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium dropped its boom on Thursday injuring three workers.

Two of the three have since been released from hospital, while the third, Wesley Harlow, 25, remains in critical condition. All three were wearing protective equipment and are employed by Derr Steel Erection Company of Euless, a subcontractor on the project. They were hurt as the jumped form the crane to avoid falling parts of the boom.
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The dmaged crane, the boom seems to be to the rear.

A spokesman for Manhattan Construction, the main contractor, said: “workers were assembling a crane when a cable connector failed on the erecting crane, which allowed the cables and some other parts to fall.”

The crane was reported to have been in the process of raising its boom from the ground, when something gave way. No other information has been received at this time.
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A view of the stadium site, the fallen boom is at the bottom of the photo

This was the second crane accident in Dallas last week, a truck driver was died on Wednesday after a hoist cable on a tower crane gave way dropping the cranes hook onto him as he loaded a skip with concrete.
