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Crane Falcon rescued

On Sunday night the emergency responders at Barrow shipyard in the UK, rescued a peregrine falcon chick that had fallen from its nest at the top of a 40 metre tower crane.

A family of falcons had assembled their nest from scraps of cable, twine and wire scavenged from Devonshire Dock. Part of the debris from the nest caught around the chick’s talons trapping the bird of prey as it flew off.

Fire and incident liaison officer for BAE Systems, Dave Stevenson, was called out after employees saw the bird in distress. Stevenson and his colleague Mike Hall had no choice but to scale the 40 metre high tower crane and carry out the rescue last week.
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Dave Stevenson with the crane and part of the nest.

“The bird had flown out of its nest but part of the nest caught around its taloned foot,” said Stevenson.

“I think the high wind on Sunday had damaged it. As it flapped the wire wound tighter and tighter around its foot, like a tourniquet. If we hadn't gone up it would have died.”

“Once we realised we could get it out I cut the wire and unwound it,” explained Stevenson.

Having assessed the injury Stevenson could see the bird would need treatment so Hall had to climb back down to fetch a bag before scaling the crane for a second time.

“To come down carrying the bird and holding on was impossible so Mike went all the way back down and all the way back up again bringing a bag suitable to carry the bird in,” explained Stevenson, 52.

“I was holding it very carefully because it had a big beak and wide mouth. I feel it knew we were trying to help it so for that reason it wasn't going to cut us. Its beak slightly did worry me.”
The bird is now in the hands of the RSPB receiving treatment, but the injured leg has been amputated.
