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Another record for Vertikal.Net

Vertikal.Net broke most of its readership records in June in spite of it being a short month. a total of 87,626 visits were made from 45,145 different IP addresses.

The number of hits was slightly below the all time record at 3,635,215 but the number of pages viewed broke the million level for the first time with a total of 1,032,704 pages viewed during the month. A total of 87.91 GB of bandwidth was consumed.

Once again thank you for your support and all of you who contributed with stories, news tips and the like, we very much appreciate it.

If you are wondering what happened to the statistics in May, whatever it is that generates the statistics went down for four days in the middle of the month leaving us no information. We were informed that this can happen from time to time and that the normal procedure in such an event is to take the two days before and the two days after and add them the total.

Given that this would not have been the actual result of what happened we chose instead to skip it and wait for June.
