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Edmolift enters push around access market

Scissor lift table specialist Edmolift has launched its first access platform the T-zip. Developed in direct response to the Working at Height Regulations T-zip is said to replace the need for ladders, steps and kick stools.
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The new Edmolift T-zip mini access platform

Two T-zip models, both push arounds, will be available from launch. The smallest - the T-zip 5X - which has a one metre platform height is according to Edmolift, the most compact powered access platform available and weighs 115kg.

The second model in Edmolift’s line-up is the T-zip 2XX which has all the features of the T-zip 5X but with an extra set of scissor arms providing a platfrom height of 3.6 metres.

Both units have a platform size of 900mm x 600mm and an overall dimensions of 1230mm x 650mm wide. Features include two entry gates and two sealed 12vDC batteries.

Both T-zip models use power units derived from Edmolift’s Goods Lift range.

“This power unit and control system design has been in general use for over 10 years and has a proven track record” says
Darren Papani, Edmolift UK’s sales director. “Our decision to enter the mainstream access market was taken as a direct result of customer demand. Having produced custom designed powered access for over 40 years it was a natural progression to introduce a standard range. Edmolift produce 10,000 scissor lift products each year and our modern production facilities guarantee that the products we produce are competitively priced and meet the most exacting technical and quality standards”.
