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New legislation for NY crane inspectors

New legislation that criminalises falsification of records relating to building construction was signed last week by New York Governor David A. Paterson. Specifically, the legislation strengthens criminal and civil penalties for individuals who 'compromise the integrity of the crane inspection and licensing process'. The law makes certain violations class-D felonies and imposes fines of up to $5,000.

Paterson said: "With stricter criminal and civil penalties, this new law will send a message that we have zero tolerance for any actions that negatively interfere with the inspection and licensing of construction cranes."

The legislation's author, Assembly member Jonathan L. Bing, said, "It is disheartening that each recent crane collapse has been followed by the arrest of a Department of Buildings employee for a fraud such as falsifying records or bribery. That's why we must put laws on the books that will protect us from events like this occurring again."

Bing's legislation establishes the crime of impairing the integrity of a government licensing examination. Bing said this ensures that no crane inspector receives a license unless they have demonstrated they have the knowledge and expertise to satisfactorily perform the job. The legislation also provides means to revoke a crane inspector's license due to various offenses including: filing an inspection report for a crane they have not inspected, falsifying an inspection report, or accepting a bribe.
