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Underground rental depot

Cramo has signed a €15 million order for the supply of cabins, tools and access equipment, complete with an underground depot with mining company LKAB.

The deal follows the Swedish company’s recently announced €1.2 billion investment in a new mining level in Kiruna.

Cramo will be the main rental supplier for construction machinery, access equipment, including scaffolding, and cabins. The contract is estimated to be worth a minimum €15 million over four years.

As part of the deal Cramo will open a project depot at level 1365, possibly the first underground rental depot in history?

Erik Bengtsson, managing director for Cramo's Swedish operations said: "I am very proud that LKAB selected us for this project. The intensity in the
construction work will peak during the initial 4-5 years. But our experience is that giant projects like this one will generate more business over time".
