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New marketing manager for Eve

Eve Trakway, the temporary roadway provider, has appointed Lucy Lambertsen as marketing manager she joins Eve from Trisoft, an IT services, software and support company, where she was solely responsible for the development and implementation of the full marketing mix.

Speaking of the new role she said: “I particularly wanted to work for a forward-thinking company, which aims to be a leader in its field of expertise. In addition, I was also looking for a role, which involved working in a niche market, extremely team focused, where I can make an impact on the company's overall success. I truly believe that I have found all of this and more with Eve Trakway.”
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Lucy Lambertsen

Rick Barnett, managing director of Eve Trakway said: “Priorities for this position consisted of an individual who is dynamic and has a strong marketing skill set, which in turn would be used to drive the company forward.”
