A tower crane dropped a pallet load of blocks onto a truck in Gzira, Malta yesterday
A large spider lift came off the back of a delivery truck on Thursday last week in the UK
A tower crane collapsed in Bangkok, Thailand this morning dropping its load onto a school
A 220 tonne five axle All Terrain crane overturned in Irving, Texas, on Sunday when the ground gave way beneath an outrigger.
A man died yesterday in Cincinnati, Ohio while working from a bucket truck platform.
The UK’s National Grid has been fined £334,000 plus costs following a loader crane fatality
A truck carrying two Rough Terrain scissor lifts came off the road yesterday into the soft verge
A tower crane came down onto an apartment building in Dallas, Texas during a severe thunderstorm yesterday UPDATED
A man was electrocuted in late May while trying to raise a power line with a self-propelled boom lift in Kirkland, Illinois,
10.06.2019 1
Two men cleaning windows died last month after their truck mounted platform overturned in Istanbul
A truck mounted lift came off the highway came off the road near Zaragoza in Spain
27.05.2019 1
A truck and low loader carrying a large boom lift overturned this morning on the E40 between Brussels and Gent in Belgium
A linesman working from a truck mounted platform in Massachusetts yesterday, fell around 10 metres landing on live power lines
22.05.2019 1
Four people were killed yesterday when the counter jib of a tower crane fell to the ground in Yavne, central Israel.
20.05.2019 2
A truck mounted lift overturned at a filming location in Slough, UK, last night.
10.05.2019 19
A mobile crane overturned onto a house in the town of Billericay, Essex, UK earlier today.
08.05.2019 5
A video captures the final moments before cyclone Fani brought down a tower crane in Bhubaneshwar, India on Friday
06.05.2019 4
A large mobile crane lost stability and tipped over the rear in the UK yesterday.
02.05.2019 3
A tower crane collapsed yesterday in Seattle, killing two crane and two people in cars passing in the street below.
28.04.2019 3
A truck mounted platform overturned on Monday on the north side of Chattanooga, Tennessee, while lifting a sign
24.04.2019 1
UK contractor Severfield has issued a safety bulletin regarding 13mm Force lifting chains
An eight axle All Terrain crane overturned at Sarens UK's yard in Brentwood, Essex, UK, a week ago, Saturday
13.04.2019 7
We have received photographs of a truck mounted platform that rolled/overturned in Dartford, Kent in the UK
A crane overturned onto an occupied home in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday while installing a prefabricated home