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Can someone stoop so low?

This year’s Vertikal Days was without question a resounding success, with almost 1,500 different visitors coming through the gates over the two days.

However there was one occurrence on Tuesday evening that did leave us very disappointed and quite honestly upset. Someone deliberately sabotaged the controls of the Socage SPJ315 making it impractical to demonstrate during the show.

Vertikal Days is known for the friendly co-operation between exhibiting competitors who are usually more than willing to lend a hand whenever necessary. It was clear on Wednesday morning, the opening day of the show, that the sabotage was carried out by someone inside the showground during final build up and who knew exactly what they were doing – the damage- most likely carried out with a screwdriver was malicious and totally against everything the show stands for.

Cumberland Industries has written to us this morning asking that we publish the attached note in the hope that the perpetrator sees it and to alert others to be more vigilant when exhibiting.

“To whom it may concern
Both Cumberland Platforms and Socage UK would like to inform the person who sabotaged the SPJ315 on Tuesday evening /early Wednesday morning at Vertikal Days exhibition that it didn’t stop us receiving interest in the machine and the sale of two units pending a complete demonstration that we will carry out at our premises over the next few weeks. We are saddened that one of our competitors would sink to this level.”

Mark, I know this is not the sort of publicity that Leigh might want for Vertikal Days but I feel that all exhibitors should be aware how low some people will go to be competitive! That way next year we and the others will be more vigilant.
I will be sending you some brighter news later.
Many thanks
Paul Murphy
Managing director


Holger Johan
This is, by far, the unfairest method of working against a competitor I have ever heared about. I can only hope that something like this will not happen again in the future as this cd also easily result in an accident where people are may injured or death. Who ever did that, pls bare this in mind and stop such dangerous things. If I would see someone trying to damage or manipulate a machine I would immediately call the police.

Holger Johan

Jun 27, 2011