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Dates set for Vertikal Days

The number of you promptly returning the survey forms for Vertikal Days has been fantastic as a result we can confirm next years dates.

With more than half the forms returned there is a clear mandate for the dates of June 22nd and 23rd 2011. As to the location the majority is clearly in favour of returning to Haydock but it is not quite as clear cut as the dates so while it is looking like Haydock we are holding the final decision on this until a few more returns are in.

A number of you have provided some excellent feedback on further improvements which we aim to implement.
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If you have not returned your form yet we would appreciate it if you could do so. If you do not have a form and would like to comment on the dates, the location and the format etc… please do feel free to do so via email to: [email protected] or any of our email addresses.

Amazingly stand spaces are going fast as this years exhibitors confirm their attendance and their wish to retain their location – we will hold the first refusal option open until the end of the year.
