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Statement of independence and impartiality

Given that we often write and give opinions about publicly quoted companies we have decided to issue an annual statement of independence and impartiality.
The move is aimed at confirming that we have no financial influence or significant interests in any of the companies that we cover, while ensureing that we comply with all existing rules and regulations

For the current and all past periods we can confirm that no employees of the Vertikal Press or their immediate families own any significant interest in any public or private company that we cover or are likely to cover in any of our publications.

As a publication we are also covered by the normal securities and exchange rules that prevent any form of stock manipulation or any trading with ‘insider knowledge’. We take all regulations in the major markets that we cover very seriously and do everything possible to ensure full and complete compliance.

The reason we use ‘significant interest' is to cover any minor shares that employee family members might have in publicly quoted companies. We have adopted a policy that asks that any such holdings of one percent or more be declared.

Currently no such holdings exist

This statement will be carried permanently on our website and updated annually.
