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Sky Aces announces the Fanlift

Sky Aces has announced details of its next new product, the Fanlift 855-2600, that compliments the company’s existing tunnel maintenance lift, the Tunlift 737-500.

The new truck mounted lift uses a heavy duty scissor lift mechanism, while the truck includes a rear mounted 18 tonne/metre loader crane to lift ventilation fan units onto the platform.
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The new Sky Aces Fanlift 855-2600

The Fanlift is specifically designed for the installation, replacement and maintenance of large ventilation systems installed in tunnels. The lift is designed to work at heights of up to eight metres with a platform capacity of 2,600kgs of which 600kgs is intended for operators and equipment, with the balance reserved for the ventilation fans which must be mounted and locked into dedicated carrier/area of the platform.

The platform has an overall dimension of 5.7 metres long by up to 3.4 metres wide, when fully extended.
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The unit can lift a 2,000kg ventilation system into place with capacity left over for men and their equipment

In order to carry out the specific work as efficiently as possible the Fanlift is equipped with numerous features, including:
-A variety of service lights on the chassis and the platform.
-Work spotlights.
-A fully integrated on-board generator.
-A fully integrated air Compressor.

The first machine is currently going through its final test session before the first delivery, which should take place by the end of this month.

Vertikal Comment

This looks like another well thought out specialist lift from Paolo Balugani and Sky Aces. The Tunlift has already sold well in markets where tunnel maintenance is a major issue. The company has plans to add other, possibly more mainstream models to its range as it goes forward.

We understand that Balugani has until now been restricted by some form of non-compete clause with Oil & Steel, where he was technical manager until mid-2011. With this surely expiring within the next six months he and his company will have more freedom to launch higher volume products. So watch this space.
