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Rustic scaffold in France

Spotted by a reader in rural France a rough rustic façade scaffold all set up to change guttering. The scaffold is not the greatest to begin with, but is full of trip hazards and as for toe-boards forget it!
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A scafold for guttering

In our correspondent’s own words: “Just thought I'd send you a few photos of the scaffold that popped up last week in front of my house here in rural France. While not the worst thing I have seen, note the width of all the boards on the lower and mid-levels, note the top level they intentionally made out of level to follow the contour of the roof (then used blocks of wood and a plank to decrease the angle). The height of the handrails varies between shoulder and knee depending on where you are”.
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The access ladder certainly does not meet any safety regulations

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Sloping platform corrected

“Access via ladder unsecured was a little average also. In their defence, after I mentioned it wasn't secured, they tied it to the wall with props in the windows in the first section”.
“Oh, the stripy tape was a nice touch, but doesn't take into count that they blocked the doors to two of the houses with the lower level floorboards, one at mid-height, and the other right at eye height. All for two people to change the guttering, something perhaps better done with an AWP?”.
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Hows that for a trip hazard? just before walking the plank

While not the worst scaffold we have seen, it still qualifies easily for our Death Wish series


This is worth a reading post! As it is really essential to safeguard ourselves from hazards, this safety regulations are must.

Jul 9, 2016