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Fall costs company £500k

Otis Investments (formerly Otis Plc) and Otis Limited (formerly Express Lifts Company Limited), sentenced as a single company - Otis were fined £400,000 at Southampton Crown Court today for a single breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, following an incident that claimed the lives two men in their 20’s.

Michael Dawson, 27 and Daniel Digby, 25, were killed when they fell down a lift shaft at Shirley Towers, a high-rise block of flats in Southampton.

The incident took place in the early hours of 4th February 2001 when the pair fell against the lift doors, which swung open due to inadequate fixings on the lower rail of the opening. Both men fell about 30 metres to their death.

Antony Thompson, HM Specialist Inspector of Health and Safety said:

“The tragic deaths of Daniel Digby and Michael Dawson are a reminder for all those with responsibility for lifts that they should be properly maintained so that they are safe and do not put people at risk.

"It is important that maintenance is carried out on a regular and frequent basis and that lift landing entrances and lift doors are designed and constructed to withstand the anticipated use.

The judge also awarded costs of £145,000 against the defence.
