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Tower crane drama

A man scaled a 30 metre tower crane in Dorchester England, yesterday and then tied a rope around his neck and threatened to throw himself off.

He phoned police around midnight on his mobile after climbing around 15 to 20 metres along the jib.

The man, said to be in his late 30s or early 40s, was eventually pulled to safety by firefighters equipped with harnesses and ropes some three hours later. The call kicked off a major rescue operation involving specially trained police negotiators, firefighters and ambulance paramedics.

The crane is located on a Bellway Homes building site behind the Keep Military Museum off Bridport Road in Dorchester. Crane operator Mark Day was also called in by police in order to assist and advise.

Day, 33, said: "I couldn't believe it when I arrived. There was a man sitting on top of the crane rolling a cigarette. The initial plan was to move the crane to allow the fire brigade to put their ladders up and get to him that way”.

However the crane was out of service and was down waiting for a spare part to arrive for it. In the end three firefighters went up and brought him down.
