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Death Wish 19

One of our readers on vacation in the Bermuda, spotted one of the hotel maintenance crew using a chair as a form of low level access.

Let he who has not used a chair for such a job cast the first stone! However this one is being used on the sixth or seventh floor of a tourist hotel while working on the window.
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A chair is all too often used as a piece of low level access equipment alongside a seven storey drop though?

If the chair had kicked out, as they do when you lean over, the man could easily have caused a nasty mess on the entrance to the pool area. Not exactly what you want to come across while on holiday.

Perhaps not one of our worst examples, given some of the European examples where standing on the guardrail might have been the selected method…. But inappropriate all the same.
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The hotel building - I guess that's our readers toes in the foreground?
