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Crane drops its load on bus

A tower crane operating on the Wachovia tower construction site in Charlotte, North Carolina dropped a load of steel beam that it was lifting yesterday, one of which landed on the roof of a school bus.

The two metre lightweight beams were being hoisted to the top of the 51 storey high rise building when the slinging gave way causing them to fall to the ground, damaging the glass of several windows on the way down.
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A view of the street after the accident

Apart from the driver, the School bus was empty at the time and the beam, which weighed around 40kgs, only dented the roof of the bus and did not break any glass. According to local reports, a crane on the same site dropped a glass panel into the street last week.

The crane, owned by Morrow Equipment was operated by an employee of the main contractor - Batson-Cook operator and was fully trained and certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. In this case the error most likely lies with either the slinger or he who inspects the slings.
