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12,500 attended SED

12,500 visitors attended SED, the UK equipment show this week, down from a peak of over 22,000 in 2005.

In spite of the lower visitor numbers most exhibitors were reasonably upbeat, and several reported sales of equipment at the show.

Mark Carrington, managing director of King said: "Although visitor numbers were down, those that chose to make the trip to the show had come for a reason. Our trailer and access salesteam's recorded an enquiry level of around 80 percent of that of 2008."

Orders were taken but at lower levels than last year. A deal stuck between King and JCB Finance before the show to try to remove one of the main obstacles for doing business in the current climate - that of finding finance - generated real interest and brought customers to the stand."

"For Skyking, King's access business, the lack of competitors at the show clearly benefited the company as there were a number of enquiries from user customers particularly from utilities and local authorities who were interested in Skyking's newly launched Land Rover and Telescopic vanmount."

"We never know from one year to the next whether exhibitions actually pay. On balance we were pleased we attended" said Carrington

SED 2010 will be back in Corby for the 18th, 19th and 20th of May.
