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The Rowes at it again?

We have had a number of calls concerning the latest re-incarnation of PSS, the UK lifting company owned by the Rowe family.

The latest third or is it the fourth generation of PSS? - PSS(LT) has been the subject of legal efforts by creditors trying to obtain payment throughout the second half of 2009. The latest information given to at least two creditors is that the company will be placed into liquidation, although we were unable to confirm this or find any evidence of it.

PSS (Lifting) which was registered on the same day in 2006 as PSS (LT), and traded under the same name – PSS Group, was placed into liquidation a year ago. PSS group advertises its services as contract lifting, training and building maintenance.

The Rowes, Lee Rowe and Kenneth Rowe have a history of setting up two companies at the same time with similar names and then shifting trading from the trading one to the dormant one before letting the former go down.

In spite of the ‘unfortunate’ business history of the Rowes, they appear to have yet again taken a number of crane hire companies for some considerable amounts. The company was appointed as a CPCS testing centre in July. We understand that the Rowes set up a new PSS company in 2007 Pfoffessional Specialist Services Ltd, will this be the new PSS?

Click here PSS Creditors meeting
Click here more on PSS
