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Truck mount overturn

We have received photos of an accident that occurred, we believe, in November somewhere in France.

From what we understand a relatively new Cela TL18 truck mounted lift was set up with the kerbside front outrigger set up right on the edge of the pavement/sidewalk.

Given the A- frame design, kerb height would have prevented the full stabiliser width being achieved – however this would not have been anywhere near enough to cause the overturning.
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It looks as though the inside stabiliser slipped off of the pavement/sidewalk?

This surely has to be either a case of overloading and/or the stabiliser foot slipping off of the edge of the kerb creating a dynamic load that could have caused the machine to tip.

On the other hand a closer look suggests that the outreach limiter may have been tampered with? This unit has a maxium outreach of six metres with two people - eight metres with one. The photo shows three sections well extended which suggests that the platform might have been closer to 10 metres?
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A view from the rear

A second lift is on the scene and if we had a suspicious mind we would say it was going to be used to lift the boom of the fallen unit…. Hopefully that is not the case.
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We are not quite sure what is going on here - hopefully not lifting the boom of the fallen unit

Note no attempt to use mats of any kind under the outriggers of either machine. If you have any more information on what happened we would be pleased to hear from you.
