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Not necessarily a crane

A man has died on the Queensferry Crossing in Scotland after supposedly being struck by the boom of a crane.

News reports claim that the man, 60, was directing the ‘crane’ when he was hit in the head and died from the loss of blood. The main cranes on this part of the site are pier mounted tower cranes and deck mounted launching cranes, although there are also a few crawler cranes working from barges from time to time.

One caller to the Vertikal office with some local input, indicated that it was a spider crane working from the deck – but then again it is still possible that the incident involved an entirely different piece of equipment altogether.

A spokesperson for the project said: “We are deeply saddened to have to confirm there was an incident just before noon on April 28 on the Queensferry Crossing’s north tower in which a person has lost his life. One other person has been taken to hospital. All activity has been stopped at the north tower. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of our colleague and co-worker at this time.”
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The Queensferry crossing

The other person referred to is understood to have only received minor injuries. We will update this item when we can confirm the facts.
