Ruthmann launches 29m 3.5t truck mount
Ruthmann has held a launch event in Hamburg to unveil its latest new products, including the TB 290, a 29 metre platform on a 3.5 tonne chassis.
The new machine is one of two new 3.5 tonne models, the other being the 25 metre TBR 250 which was already announced, although it will take a back seat to the 29 metre model, and should appear in early 2017.
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The new 29 metre TB 290 lift
Meanwhile the 29 metre TB 290 sets a new record for an aerial lift on a 3.5 tonne chassis. The straight telescopic model has evolved from the 27 metre TB 270+, it has an outreach of 16.2 metres with 100kg, and a maximum platform capacity of 230kg, although it cannot take this above 26 metres or so.
The TBR 250 will share the same outreach and platform capacity.
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A computer generated image of the upcoming TBR 250 lift due for release in early 2017
The company also unveiled the 75 metre T 750 HF, and the 65 metre T 650 HF, which it had announced at Bauma in April. The four axle T 750 has an outreach of 41 metres, and a platform capacity of 600kg. At its maximum working height, it can achieve a platform capacity of 320kg.
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The new 75 metre T 750 is the highest reaching Steiger model
The T 650 HF will also be mounted on a four axle chassis, with a platform capacity of 600kg. Both feature Ruthmann's new platform rotator, with 440 degrees of rotation, and boasts 43 metres of outreach, which Ruthmann claims is the best in its class.
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The new 65 metre T 650 'Highflex' truck mounted lift
Head of research and development Nico Krekeler said: "It has been a very successful day, with some excellent machines and interesting discussions. We now have a lot of input for new ideas, and we will use the feedback to implement future plans."
Head of sales Uwe Strotmann added: "We are happy that so many people have come from all over the world to see our new machines. We wanted to offer a venue and an event that would make people feel happy, and the feedback has been extremely positive. There is a familiarity to the new machines, meaning that users don't have to get used to a new machine, making the applications a lot easier for them."
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(L-R) Ruthmann managing director Rolf Kulawik with Uwe Strotmann and the new TB 290 model
Ruthmann Italia managing director Gianni Marti said: "There are a lot of customers here, and it is important to see the interest in the market. We have had a positive co-operation with Ruthmann and have helped it challenge a different market. This event has been a good chance for both parties to share ideas for the future, and we are very proud to have the Ruthmann name on our products."
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(L-R) Gianpiero Marti and Gianni Marti of Ruthmann Italia with their 18 metre SA18 spider lift
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A crowd gathers for a morning presentation from the Ruthmann management team
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The TB 290 in action
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Over 200 guests attended the event in Hamburg
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(L-R) Gregor Schlingschröder and Stefanie David of COEmarketing
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Ruthmann TB 270+ lift
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Ruthmann Bluelift C13 spider lift
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Ruthmann T330 truck mounted lift
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Versalift's 24 metre VTX-240
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A view of part of the show from the 75 metre T 750 'Highflex' lift
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The T 750 displays its impressive reach capabilities
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Magician David Pricking was on hand to entertain visitors throughout the day