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Cramo restructures

Finnish based international rental company Cramo is implementing a new organisation to support its new strategic and financial plan which it has entitled “Operational excellence”.

The new organisation has three market areas:
Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark),
Eastern Europe (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland) and
Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia).

The company will continue to use its six existing areas in its external financial reporting: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

The new organisation will come into being at the start of February – in other words next week.

The new management team will be:

Erik Bengtsson will be executive vice president, Scandinavia and will continue as managing director of Cramo Sweden.
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Erik Bengtsson

Tatu Hauhio will be executive vice president, Eastern Europe and continue as managing director of Cramo Finland.
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Tatu Hauhio

Dirk Schlitzkus will be executive vice president, Central Europe and remains as managing director of Cramo’s operations in Germany, Austria and Hungary (Theisen Group).
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Dirk Schlitzkus

Per Lundquist, currently chief information officer will be senior vice president, operations with responsibility for IT, human resources, marketing and communications and the harmonisation of the group’s business concepts and processes.
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Per Lundquist

Martin Holmgren retains responsibility for fleet management as senior vice President, fleet management.
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Martin Holmgren

Martti Ala-Härkönen continues as chief financial officer,
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Martti Ala-Härkönen

In group management Aku Rumpunen retains responsibility for group business control, while Petri Moksén remains in charge of Modular Space.

At the same time Göran Carlson, deputy chief executive will leave the business, as previously announced and Jarmo Laasanen, senior vice president, Russia and the Baltics will retire this spring.

Cramo chief executive Vesa Koivula said: "We have entered a new phase in our strategic development, where the focus is on operational excellence in our core business and core markets. The new organisation will help us better seize group synergies and economies of scale to improve profitability, implement common processes to improve operational efficiency, and to strive for our vision as the role model in rental".
